“Langdon was always surprised how few Christians who gazed upon “the crucifix” realized their symbol’s violent history was reflected in its very name: ”cross” and “crucifix” came from the Latin verb cruciare to torture.”

When we read an engaging thriller like The Da Vinci Code, we would find ourselves in agreement with the protagonist. But when we analyze the statement for its own merit, we will find the inaccuracies glaring at us.
To be frank, we don’t need to be a Christian or a Latin scholar to know of the cross’ violent past. To this day, the meaning of the word ‘cross’ is trial or affliction(as per Oxford Dictionary). Often enough we use the word to refer to a heavy burden.

So are Christians oblivious to the meaning of the cross? Or has the ‘sinister’ Church brainwashed them? Do Christians not realize that their most prominent symbol is actually a device of torture?

It would be ridiculous to ask such foolish questions. After all, Christ was not being pampered on the Cross. He was being crucified. How could Christians forget that crucifix is a torture device when the Son of God, whom they so devoutly worship, was tortured on it? Then why is the Cross a sacred symbol? How did it become the symbol of Christianity?

The Cross is the most important symbol of Christianity because it represents everything that Christians believe in. Does this mean Christians believe in violence and torture? Not at all. Then what does the Holy Cross stand for?

Before we answer that, let us take a closer look at the Holy Cross. Basically there are two types of Holy Cross.  The first one has got the crucified form of Christ on it while the second doesn’t. Both have different meanings and represent two key moments of Christianity.

The first one stands for the Great Sacrifice. It is the symbol of God’s never ending love for mankind. It tells the story of how the Son was sacrificed to condone the sins of man. The second one stands for the Rise. It symbolizes the Glory of God. It tells the story of how on the third day our Lord resurrected and conquered death.

But if you think these are the messages that the Holy Cross conveys, then you are wrong. The greatest message of the Cross is the one proclaimed by Dan Brown(whether knowingly or unknowingly) in The Da Vinci Code.
Before Christ, the crucifix was a Symbol of Shame. It was a device of torture and violence. The cross was a burden, hated by all. Yet In The Year Of Our Lord, it acquired a new meaning. By the sacrifice of our Lord, it became the Symbol of Hope. What once symbolized Death, now symbolized Eternal Life.

The message of the Cross is the message of Christ. It is never too late. Repent your sins with all your heart and your loving Father in Heaven shall forgive them. Return to the house of thy father. He has great things in store for us.   


Is Holy Communion merely an 'act of God eating'?


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