“The crimes of great criminals go unpunished but the crimes of the greatest go unnoticed.”

The memoirs of John Watson is so well entrenched in public memory that Mr. Sherlock  Holmes has achieved a cult status. At the time of writing, he is being toasted as the national hero of the Empire following his ‘miraculous’ Return.

Life is full of ironies. Why else should I, Sebastian Moran, be serving a sentence for the murder of that nincompoop Ronald Adair, when Sherlock Holmes walks scot free after murdering the greatest intellect of our times? He even had the audacity to write a book on it.

I ask men of sound mind, if Moriarty wanted to kill Holmes would he not have assigned me with the task?  I have trained my gun more than once at Mr. Holmes. Each time my noble friend had forbidden me from pulling the trigger. What his reasons were I do not know. But of one thing I am sure. On that fatal day at the Falls, Jim did not intend to kill Mr. Holmes.  By no means could Jim have overpowered Mr. Holmes in a hand to hand combat. A genius he might have been but when things got physical he always relied on me to get the job done.

There are many facts that the public do not know about Moriarty. As his one and only true friend, I find it my duty to reveal the genius of my dear friend. What better way to do so other than by narrating how Moriarty committed a crime right under the nose of Mr. Holmes? The case of The Hound of Baskervilles may still be fresh in public memory. I myself refer to it as The Haunt of Baskervilles for it was our first case together and was memorable for the visit of Rodger Baskerville and his wife to our humble quarters at Conduit Street.

I am sure that these stories will be met with outrage from the general public.

The admirers of Mr. Holmes will call it a tale of lies and the last attempt of a criminal to defame Mr. Holmes. For the men who are willing to give it a look, I would like to point out that nowhere have I contradicted anything that the honorable Dr. Watson has informed you. I only give you my own account of the terrible things that took place at Baskerville Hall.


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